Coronavirus update

March 4, 2021

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Due to Coronavirus, things are a bit different at the moment and we’ve had to change how we do some things at Livv, but we remain committed to deliver as many of our services as we can in line with government restrictions.

We’ve put measures in place to minimise the risk of further spread of the virus, helping to keep you and our colleagues safe.

  • If a change in your circumstances means you’re struggling to pay your rent don’t wait for the arrears to build up. Get in touch with us straight away so we can start to help you.
  • If you have additional needs or looking for advice and guidance, we can point you in the right direction to access support services.
  • We’re continuing to provide you with a 24/7 service for emergency repairs and critical works.
  • Our CCTV team are continuing to monitor our neighbourhoods via our 24-hour CCTV service, working with the police to keep you and your community safe.

Unfortunately, our customer receptions at Page Moss and our head office are still closed but our dedicated Customer Service Team are ready to help. Call them on 0151 290 7000 or via Livv Chat.

We’ll continue to keep you up to date about any changes that might affect you.

Latest updates

From 8 March, people in England will see lockdown restrictions start to lift as the government introduce a four-step roadmap to offer a route back to a more normal life.

There are five weeks between each step and the government will only agree to move from one step to the next if it’s safe to do so.

You can find out more about the proposed roadmap on the government website and we’ll keep you updated with any changes that might affect us.



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non-symptomatic testing is open in Knowsley

The non-symptomatic testing sites Knowsley and the Liverpool City region are still open. If you are a key worker or must mix with others during lockdown, for care reasons or legitimate work reasons, you can turn up to one of the sites for testing. The tests are free, you can have them regularly and the results are rapid, often being sent back to you within the hour.

Key workers include our essential shop and supermarket staff, postal workers, taxi drivers  and many other key services, along with the “blue light” staff; NHS, police, fire service, ambulance etc. 

The testing facilities are at Volair Halewood, Volair Huyton and Volair Kirkby and the sites will be open from 9am until 6pm Monday to Friday and 10am until 4pm on Saturday and Sunday. These test centres are for those who are not displaying any symptoms. 

If you have symptoms of coronavirus you need to book a test using the government website.


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For additional information on the latest official COVID-19 updates you can visit:

The Government websites dedicated coronavirus page:


Knowsley New’s dedicated webpage:

Visit Knowsley News


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Self isolation

If you have an emergency repair booked in, let us know if you or anyone in your home has flu-like symptoms. This will help us take the proper precautions to keep all our customers and employees safe.
The symptoms of coronavirus are:

• a new, continuous cough

• a high temperature

• a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste

These symptoms do not necessarily mean you have the illness. The symptoms are similar to other illnesses that are much more common, such as cold and flu. If you suspect you think you may have been exposed to the coronavirus or are showing any symptoms, the current advice from the NHS is: do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. You can use the 111 online coronavirus service to find out what to do next.

To stop germs spreading there are a few things you can do, including washing your hands regularly – particularly after using public transport or coughing/sneezing.

Public Health England have advised travellers who have recently returned from trips abroad to be vigilant; returning travellers should follow the government guidelines and self isolate if needed.

Mental health and wellbeing support

People struggling with their mental health during the coronavirus outbreak will be offered additional online support and practical guidance to help them cope. Public Health England has published new online guidance to help people to manage their mental health during these difficult times. This advice also includes steps that those living with serious mental health problems can take, including seeking support from their mental health teams.

Looking after your mental health

There is also tailored advice for parents and children on how to support children and young people with stress during the coronavirus outbreak.

Help for parents and carers


customer service team

Your finances

We are developing our response in line with government guidance. Contact us if you’re having difficulty paying your rent. We can help you to maximise your income.

Claiming Benefits – Universal Credit

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) are offering extra support to people who are being affected by coronavirus. People making new claims for Universal Credit will no longer need to call them as part of the process, putting an end to long call wait times. Once you’ve completed your online application, the DWP will now call you if they need to check any of the information you’ve given. Read more here

The DWP Universal Credit website provides information about coronavirus and claiming benefits; check this page regularly for government updates:

Universal Credit and COVID

Looking for a home to rent or buy?

We can get you moving! We have put in place special measures to help you find the right home safely and easily.


Homes to rent

Livv Housing Group have set up virtual viewings of our properties to let, meaning you can see the properties that we have available and express an interest in your new home safely.

Homes to rent


Homes to buy

During lockdown customers have reserved their new homes by completing contactless viewings and virtual reservations. Our Livv Homes team have ensured that customers have been able to purchase their dream home through Shared Ownership whilst keeping to social distancing rules. Visit our new homes website to discover the 2 & 3 bedroom homes that are available with Shared Ownership.

Homes to buy

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