“Build the Future” is the theme for this year’s National Apprenticeship Week, aiming to encourage everyone to consider how apprenticeships help individuals to build the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career. Next up, we caught up with Jamie McGuire, our only Finance Apprentice in the business.

When did you join Livv and how’s it going?
I joined Livv in September 2020, after finishing sixth form and leaving a part time job, working in a pub. I’m a Finance Apprentice, assisting the team in any way I can. It was challenging when I joined, as it was very different to anything that I’d ever done, and I had a lot to learn. It almost felt as if I was learning a new language trying to understand all of the different terminologies used such as debit, credit, invoice, journal, etc. It was also difficult having to adjust to working from home a lot of the time, however I was still made to feel very welcome and was given help and assistance whilst understanding the role.
What does your role involve?
I now have many responsibilities within the team, for example each month I’ll put together the monthly budget holder reports for individual departments within the business and will then send them out to them. I also raise purchase orders and deal with invoices, raising the orders within our system, and then inserting the invoice data once received onto the system. I also process the Finance team’s annual leave information at the end of every month, keeping the system up to date with the team’s holiday records. These are just a few of many responsibilities I have within my team.
Why did you choose to take the apprenticeship route?
I liked the idea of learning whilst working. Rather than going straight into a role, I preferred the thought of gaining a qualification and potentially building a career, through gaining knowledge and experience by being taught and working at the same time. Going into a role within finance was something that appealed to me, as it seemed like it would be both interesting and challenging, whilst also being a role that my mum had done for many years of her life, so I knew that I also had her to help me and offer advice whilst learning!
What’s the most important lesson or valuable skill you’ve learnt during your time as an apprentice?
Just to be patient. As long as you try your best, then eventually you’ll get to where you want to be. Trying to rush things doesn’t often end well, so just be patient and there will be a higher chance that you’re doing the right thing due to more focus.
What do you enjoy the most about working at Livv?
The staff. Every person within the business made me feel so welcome when I joined and since then, I’ve always had people that I can talk to if ever there is something wrong. I think the people you work with affect your attitude towards your job, and the employees around me greatly increase mine. I’m thoroughly enjoying my time at Livv and hope to stay here for many years to come!