We’ve partnered with Northwood Together and Volair Kirkby to launch ‘Shape Shifters’ – a six-month programme designed to help Kirkby residents lose weight whilst boosting their overall health and wellbeing.
Shape Shifters is open to people living in the Northwood area of Kirkby. Meeting at Volair leisure centre each week, members take part in gym, swim, and group exercise classes. They also share recipe ideas and inspiration to achieve a healthier lifestyle.
The first phase of the programme took place earlier this year where 24 local residents signed up to the programme. 16 of the participants were our customers.
After six months of group weigh ins, an incredible 301lbs of weight was lost across the board.
The ‘biggest loser’ was Nicola, who is a Livv customer, and she lost a total of 35lbs over the course of the programme. Since joining the programme she’s vastly improved her swimming ability, from just a few lengths to around 60 lengths per session.
Shape Shifters has also had a huge impact on Debi and Kate. The two Livv customers, who lost 42lbs between them, have progressed to become team leaders on the next course. They now have their own small group of members who they work closely with, motivating and inspiring them to fulfil their fitness goals.
But it’s not just weight loss that Shape Shifters has helped with. Debi is now also a board member and volunteer at Northwood Together. She said:
“Shape Shifters has changed my life. Not only have I lost weight and am eating healthier, but my mental health has vastly improved. My confidence is through the roof thanks to the support of the group and Northwood Together. I have met so many great people. I love coming to the gym in my own time now and I’m always sharing low fat recipes with the new group. It has also brought about other opportunities for me that I didn’t ever feel I would have the strength and courage to do.”

A huge part of the work that we do at Livv is to develop initiatives and programmes with local partners to enable our customers and communities to flourish.
“Exercise is important for the mind, body and soul and it is brilliant to hear the positive impact that Shape Shifters is having on people’s lives, improving both their physical health and wellbeing. Thank you to Northwood Together and Volair for leading the project – we are looking forward to continuing working with Volair to bring the programme to the more of our neighbourhoods across Knowsley.
Shape Shifters has had an incredible impact on people lives, not only have they lost weight, but they have also seen an increase in their confidence and self-esteem. Some have moved onto gain employment, something they never thought they could achieve. But with their newfound confidence and the support of their team leaders, they felt they could take the next step and take on a new challenge.
“Congratulations to everybody who has completed the programme, we’re really proud of you all.
The project has grown in strength over the past year. Originally designed to be a weight loss programme, it now incorporates mental wellbeing, employability skills and stronger cohesion within the community. Volair is proud of the partnership with Northwood Together and Livv, ensuring we offer fun, affordable and accessible fitness and wellbeing for all.
The second phase of Shape Shifters is now underway as the next cohort of Northwood residents (including 12 Livv customers) undertake the six-month weight loss programme. The third phase will launch in March 2023.