What’s the 3-tier system?

October 16, 2020

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Did you know that Liverpool City Region, including Knowsley, has the third highest number of COVID cases in the country and therefore, it has gone into Tier 3?

What’s the 3-tier system?


A new 3-tier system of local lockdown measures for England has been put into place to try to curb rising COVID-19 rates. The Local COVID Alert Levels are, “medium”, “high” and “very high”.


Rules for Tier 3 – ‘very high’


  • Social contact: You cannot meet anyone outside your household or support bubble indoors, including in your private garden. You will only be able to see people not in your household or bubble in a public open space, such as a park – and in groups of no more than six.
  • Pubs and restaurants: All bars must close unless they serve food.
  • Schools, universities and childcare: These remain open.
  • Shops: All retail – including non-essential shops – can stay open.
  • Travel and transport: Avoid any unnecessary journeys outside your local area – except for work and school run journeys.
  • Work: The advice is to work from home if you can.
  • Weddings and funerals: 15 guests can attend marriage ceremonies, but receptions are banned. Funerals can have up to 30 mourners, with only 15 people allowed at the wake.
  • Gyms, hairdressers, public facilities: Local areas can negotiate whether to close these facilities or keep them open.
  • Sports: Organised indoor sport and exercise classes can continue to take place, provided rule of six is observed.
  • These regulations will be reviewed in 4 weeks.


In Knowsley, 86% of COVID-19 cases are coming from family and friends mixing indoors. We need to bring our numbers down and we are all in this together. Follow the guidance and avoid mixing with other households.

Hands > Face > Space

If you want to learn more about these restrictions and how they can affect you