We are committed to providing apprenticeships in the borough and this week has been a fantastic opportunity for us to shine a light on how apprentices of all ages and backgrounds are making a difference to our business. To round off this year’s National Apprenticeship Week, Lucy Windle – who started with us as an apprentice and is now pursuing a full-time role within the Assets team – gives us the lowdown on her time as an apprentice.

Can you tell us a bit about your time as a Livv apprentice?
I first joined Livv as an apprentice in September 2019 on a Business Admin apprenticeship and my role was in the Planned Works team as a Customer Liaison Officer. I was then given the opportunity to apply for another apprenticeship with the business which I started in September 2020 in the Asset/ Responsive team, doing a Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) apprenticeship.
Why did you choose the apprenticeship route?
I had loads of experience since leaving school in different things but hadn’t pinpointed what I wanted to do as a career, so it seemed like the logical step to gain more qualifications whilst I was working and it was a good stepping stone into the business.
What was the most important lesson or valuable skill you learnt during your time as an apprentice?
To trust my own capabilities and not be so hard on myself because I’m terrible for being my own biggest critic.
Congratulations on securing a full-time role. Can you tell us more?
My new role is still in Assets but now in the Property Access team. I liaise with customers, colleagues and contractors to arrange appointments for compliance works such as Annual Gas Safety checks and Cyclical Electrical Tests amongst other things.
I’d helped out in the team before when they were short staffed so already had knowledge of the job. I knew it was something that I’d like to do so when a fixed-term contract then came up within the team, I applied and was lucky enough to be successful.
What does the future hold for you?
I’m hoping that my fixed-term contract turns into a permanent one as I do really enjoy my job and working with my team. I’ve really enjoyed working here over the past two and a half years and decided this is somewhere that I’d like to stay. Livv provide lots of training opportunities and support to help you progress in your career.