Livv Housing Group and The Girl’s Network

October 6, 2020

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Did you know the number of women in Knowsley not in education, employment or training is on the rise? However, there are real opportunities for us to improve things for young women.

At Livv Housing Group, we want to make a difference, by encouraging a number of our colleagues in senior roles to take part in such important fight.

Community Investment is about drawing on our whole organisation’s resources. Between us, we have a wealth of knowledge, experience and networks to share with local young women. So, we want to help to empower them to unlock their talents and achieve their full potential.

The role that our mentors will play in these young women’s lives will be essential and will play a vital part in their futures by showing them how to build their confidence, as well as helping to develop the key skills they will need in education, work and life.

If you want to know more about this clever initiative