We’ve taken another step towards meeting our net zero carbon target as recent improvements at our Lakeview head office means that our building no longer runs on fossil fuels.

As part of our commitment to reducing energy consumption and environmental impact, our Property Team have been busy over the past few months at our Lakeview offices implementing some major changes to our building.
- Solar panels – while we already had some solar panels in place, there were areas of the roof that weren’t being fully utilised. The solar panels have now been extended to make full use of the space.
- Air source heat pump – by installing an air source heat pump, this low carbon heating alternative doesn’t generate heat. It draws in warmth from the outside (even in cold weather) to heat the inside of buildings. Since they deliver more heat energy than the electrical energy they consume, they’re more efficient too.
The new heat pump will remove the need for the gas boiler that was previously used for a small number of radiators and our hot water supply.

What are the results?
These improvements mean that Lakeview no longer runs on fossil fuels. Overall, the measures we’ve taken have reduced the energy used in the building by 22%. This is a brilliant achievement for us as a business, as we head in the right direction towards our net zero target.
What’s next?
Our next step is to look at our air conditioning system, replacing it with a new and more efficient version. This new system will also feature advanced filtration to help reduce airborne contaminants, including particles containing viruses.
Livv Housing Group is always looking at new ways in which we can lessen our energy consumption and environmental impact and these major changes are just part of our wider cultural and operational shift to help us Livv Green.