Every year we review the rent and service charges you pay for your home for the following year. From Monday 1 April 2024, your rent will increase by 7.7%. If you have separate service charges, they will also increase by 7.7%.
As a social landlord, we follow the Regulator of Social Housing’s framework for rent setting, and we review our rents based on the Government rules. This means for April 2024 to March 2025 your rent will increase by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in September 2023, which was 6.7% + 1%.
If you have a Shared Ownership home your rent and service charges are different. Your rent increases in line with the Retail Price Index highlighted in your lease, and your service charges increase in line with service costs (which are reviewed every year).

Struggling to pay your rent?
If you’re struggling to pay your rent, please get in touch with us so we can discuss what support we can offer.
Worried about the cost of living?
We can help you get your finances back on track, offering everything from benefits and budgeting advice to wellbeing and employment support. Take the first step…
Start small, give us a call.
Mon-Fri: 8am-9pm
Sat: 9:30-1pm

Where we re-invest your rent.
- Over the last 3 years we’ve invested over £80 million in our homes – including new kitchens, bathrooms, and heating
- we invested £18.5 million on repairs and maintenance in our homes
- 439 customers that have been supported with domestic abuse issues or ASB concerns
- 2,824 people have been supported to improve their mental health and wellbeing
- 5,639 customers have been supported to become financially better off
- 1,772 people have been helped with budget maximisation and benefit advice.