Over the winter period, our Livv in Your Community Grant Scheme has helped 10 local Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise organisations to support our customers and communities with social isolation, as well as the cost of living.

Running weekly or fortnightly until the end of March, the events and activities have been well attended and are making a huge difference to the people who need it most. Here’s some examples of how our funding has helped…
Centre 63
Centre 63 in Kirkby has been holding ‘Under One Roof’ lunch time drop-in sessions. These sessions are a chance for customers pop down for free refreshments and receive advice on a range of topics such as welfare and general housing support.
Centre 63 came back with some lovely feedback:
“We have had a close partnership with Livv for the past 15 years. I would like to thank them all for the support they give to Centre 63 helping us to support the most vulnerable people in our communities.
“The funding granted has enabled us to offer free soup and a sandwich when accessing our Social Supermarket. We look forward to continuing with our partnership to provide a support network for Livv customers.”

Innovate Volunteering
At Bryer Road Community Centre in Prescot, Innovate Volunteering has been hosting weekly breakfast clubs. The sessions are free to attend and bring local people together to reduce isolation in our communities. After tucking into a warm breakfast barm, customers can join in games and arts and craft activities. This is a great opportunity for people to meet new faces. Customers are also given advice and support.
We asked some of the customers:
“What difference has our support made to you”? Here’s what they said:
“A lot. It has increased my confidence in talking to others”.
“It has got me out and about, I don’t feel so isolated.”
“I’ve made new friends.”
Safari Kids Club
The Safari Kids club hold free Zumbini sessions at Stockbridge Village Volair Centre for parents and children, along with a free café, allowing families who may struggle to afford or attend sessions to get active but also provide a space for them to relax and connect.
One of the mum’s at the kids club said: “It’s great to meet new people and great for the kids to interact with others. It helps the children to develop. My daughter took her first steps at one of the sessions and now she sings and dances to the songs at home.”
The coach said:
“One child was very quiet at start of the sessions, she always had her ear defenders on. The little girl no longer wears them at our sessions, she is interacting so much more with other children – dancing more, joining in with singing, playing instruments and tidying up. She’s the first to help now with everything, she’s like a little social butterfly. It’s so lovely to see how much happier she has been.”

It’s great to see all the work we’re doing having a such a positive impact! Thank you to our partners for supporting our customers and communities.