Apply for our Livv in the Community Grant Scheme

August 30, 2023

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Our Livv in your Community Grant Scheme offers up to a maximum funding amount of £5,000 to support local organisations whose projects and activities will help people in Knowsley who are socially isolated and / or not currently engaged with local support and services within their communities.


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The scheme will fund the development of new or existing projects, which aim to tackle social isolation through providing long term engagement and support and can include elements which tackle the cost of living e.g., the provision of regular lunch clubs for socially isolated individuals, who are struggling with the rising costs of food.

Projects and activities must take place over a six-month grant funding period, from 16 October 2023 until 31 March 2024.

Examples of what we can fund:

  • Parent and child activities for socially isolated parents and carers
  • Regular minibus hire for people wanting to attend local support but are struggling with mobility
  • Weekly football / boxing / exercise clubs for young people, who aren’t engaged with services or activities within their community
  • An ongoing breakfast drop-in service which provides information, advice, and guidance from a range of stakeholders

Examples of what we can’t fund:

  • Fundraising activity
  • Promotion of religious or political causes
  • Food purchases for activities that would have happened anyway (e.g., a buffet for a weekly bingo session)
  • One-off events or short-term support

Priority will be given to projects and activities that operate in neighbourhoods where we have most homes.

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Please read the application guidance before you apply and ensure all sections are completed in full.

Application deadline

The deadline for applications is 30 September 2023 with all grants awarded by 8 October 2023. We’ll inform the main contact on your application form via email to inform them of the award decision.

Applications should be sent by email to