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Customer involvement

Sometimes the issues we want to explore or the services we want to improve are more complex.  Through surveys, focus groups, estate inspections, walkabout, co-creation, and testing groups we can hold quality conversations and hear ideas that create a greater depth of understanding and enable us to shape our services.

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Current opportunities:

We’d like your feedback on our new Customer Handbook. 

We’ve got a new Customer Handbook coming out soon and it’ll give you lots of useful information to help you with things like staying safe, your home and info in your neighbourhood.

We got a fantastic opportunity to get a sneak preview of it before it comes out. We’d like to grab your feedback on what we’ve done so far so we can make sure we’re including things in it that you want to know about. We’ve got some copies to share and will be out and about at the following places where you can pop in, have a look and say hello:

  • Prescot Town Council, Prescot Town Hall, 1 Warrington Road, Prescot L34 5QX on Tuesday 30 July 2024, call in anytime between 11.30-2pm.
  • Centre 63, Old Hall Lane, Kirkby, L32 5TH on Wednesday 31 July 2024, call in anytime between 10am-12pm
  • Community fun day at The New Hutte Centre , Lichfield Rd, Halewood, L26 1TT on Thursday 1 August 2024 call in anytime between 11.00am-3pm

If you pop in we’ll enter you into a prize draw where you can win £30 worth of supermarket vouchers, we’ve got 20 of these to give away!

Your feedback will be used to develop the final version of the Handbook that will be available to all our customers.

Can’t make any of the sessions, but you’d like to have your say? Email us at  or phone us on 0151 290 7000 and we’ll arrange for you to see a copy.

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Customer Voice

We email customers in regular surveys to help shape and influence our decision-making, together they form our Customer Voice.

Any customer can join and you’d receive around one survey a month. In return, you’ll be entered into prize draws for a chance to win a supermarket voucher of your choice.

The more surveys you complete, the more chance you have of winning – just by sharing your opinion with us!

We want to hear from you!

If you’re a customer sign up to take part! Joining Customer Voice is easy. Simply fill in the contact form below or email us at 

Use this form to register your interest in joining the customer voice. If you have a general enquiry, contact us here.

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Ways to get involved

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We're listening

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